The Status Quo Of E-waste

E-waste Facts
E-waste has become one of the most challenging streams of waste due to the quantity and toxicity of the products. E-waste products such as computers and mobile devices contain substances like mercury, lithium, cadmium, brominated flame retardants, PVC plastics and phosphorus coating; all of which can be hazardous if they are not handled properly. It is undeniable that the improper disposal of E-waste can lead to the release of hazardous substances into the environment; causing irreparable damage to the environment and increased health risks to the surrounding population.
Negative Impacts of Improper E-waste Disposal
Improper disposal of E-waste puts everyone at risk. The various hazardous components within E-waste can be released into the air, earth and water; this can harm animals, forests, crops and bodies of water. Therefore, it is crucial to develop eco-friendly methods of E-waste destruction to protect the planet for future generations. By choosing Flexcycle as your E-waste recycling provider, you can rest assured knowing environmental sustainability is at the heart of our E-waste disposal process.