Electronics Recycling

Compliance and safety are two of the biggest issues in the recycling industry and these two of the biggest issues indeed impact our environment. Flexcycle is able to achieve this because we have certified by R2 & ISO 14001 that are The Highest Industry Standards for Environmental Responsibility and Safety. We ensure your equipment is handled to this highest standards for data security and environmentally responsible disposal.
Compliance is really essential to our company culture. As an MOE compliant company, FLEXCYCLE promises you that our company totally abides by Canadian regulations, and which could be verified by the related documentations.
Additionally, our facility is audited and compliant with correct particle size and has been approved to destroy data containing devices beyond possible re-construction. Alongside these, we also promise the securing destruction to protect customers' confidential information and comply with zero landfill policy to reduce the environmental burden. Clear out your obsolete electronics; please feel free to contact us.